School Agenda:  Child’s Place

Lesson Plan                                                                 Class: VPK/4 year olds


Circle Time

Language Manipu-lative

Math /Science

Sand / Water

Large Muscle


Dramatic Play


Morning Routine: Flag, calendar, letters,etc

Introduce the “Yy” Explore words that start w/Yy

Practice letter Yy w/playdough

Play w/ sand toys

Rubber duck pond

Move over and under a yard stick Color the “Yy” book activity page

Pretend to be farm animals



Morning Routine: Flag, calendar, letters,etc

Talk about caring for plants

Use lacing cards

Begin a plant experiment

Play w/ noodles Play “the Farmer says” Make & color a watering can

Pretend to a farmer



Morning Routine: Flag, calendar, letters,etc

Talk about having patience

Make block towers

Graph vegetables preferences


Free play outside

Practice letter “Yy” make a Yy collage

“Let’s go to the market”



Morning Routine: Flag, calendar, letters,etc

Story “Crops on the farm

Trace barn shapes

Introduce different crops

Measure with water toys

Navigate the play equipment Make & color a barn

Pretend to grow like flowers



Morning Routine: Flag, calendar, letters,etc

Review poem “I’m patient”

Build barns

Monitor plant growth

Explore w/ rice & bean table

Move to the music


Free Play